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7 Training Tips for Beginners

Indoor cycling is the perfect sport to improve your fitness, given its generally low-impact and safe nature. Nevertheless, it's important to prioritize health and safety to prevent injury. Here are 7 tips to help you get the most out of your workouts

Tip 1 - Build Up Your Fitness Gradually

Take your time to build up your fitness gradually if you are new to cycling or haven't exercised in a while.

During the initial stages of your training, your primary focus should be to exercise at a moderate pace while gradually increasing the duration of your workouts. Don't worry; even moderate exercise provides significant health benefits.

Our advice for new players is to start your first week with 2-3 low-intensity workouts, each lasting 30-40 minutes. Then, gradually increase the length of your workouts over the next 6 weeks. Once you've completed your build-up period, take a new fitness test to adjust the game's difficulty to your new fitness level.

Tip 2 - Pick the Right Workout Intensity

We don't recommend riding as hard as you can every time you exercise. A well-rounded weekly cycling routine should include several low-intensity rides and generally no more than two high-intensity workouts.

In Startona, every level has a Training Stress ScoreĀ® (TSSĀ®). This score indicates the effort required to complete the workout. A score of 100 means you are going as hard as you can for an hour. After you complete your workout, Startona will calculate the intensity score and save it in your training history, providing an easy way to monitor your efforts over time.

In general, you should combine regular low-intensity workouts with hard workouts at a ratio of 80/20 - meaning 80% of your training should feel moderate, and 20% hard.

Tip 3 - Recovery is Key

Exercise stresses your muscles and cardiovascular system. In response, your body grows stronger when resting. Taking time to recover is therefore essential.

The recovery you need after an intense workout is influenced by various factors like food, sleep, genetics, and more. These factors vary from person to person. Make sure to listen to your body and adjust your exercise routine so that you have enough time to recover.

While building up your fitness, you should allow for at least 2 days of recovery between workouts. Once your body is used to regular exercise, you can gradually increase the amount you train per week.

Tip 4 - Listen to Your Body

When you exercise, you might feel pain or dizziness; this is usually harmless and nothing to worry about - but it could also be a warning sign. Experienced athletes know the difference between normal discomfort and their body telling them that something is off.

New cyclists should not push through these signals. It is better to cut your workout short and see how you feel over the next few days than to push on and injure yourself. Recurring pain or discomfort while cycling typically suggests that you will need to adjust your bike. An experienced bike fitter can help you resolve such issues.

Don't just follow the instructions the game gives you blindly, and consult a physician if you feel sudden sharp pains or faintness during exercise.

Tip 5 - Use Positive Affirmations

Remember to praise yourself for working out.

We created Startona to make working out indoors fun. Although your smart trainer can sometimes feel like a trendy torture device, having fun and feeling good should be your top priority.

Make it your habit to periodically acknowledge and appreciate that you are doing a good thing, when exercising.

Tip 6 - Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated during workouts is crucial for optimal performance and overall health.

Remember to take regular sips from your water bottle.

Tip 7 - Stretch After Working Out

Incorporating stretching exercises into your post-workout routine is essential for achieving the best results.

Stretching is crucial for several reasons: it enhances flexibility, reduces muscle tension, increases blood flow, and improves flexibility, lowering the risk of injuries. It also helps balance muscle development. In short, a well-rounded fitness routine contains stretching. If you're unsure where to start, a quick web search for "stretches for cyclists" will provide some excellent guides.